I’m so excited to share that this week we launched my 27th Birthday Fundraiser, Everlasting Crown. It’s based on 1 Corinthians 9:25, where Paul tells the people of Corinth to stop chasing after temporary achievements and instead pursue a crown that lasts. As Miss Universe 2017, I quite literally handed over my physical crown to the 2018 winner. That moment made me realize I needed a deeper purpose. A purpose that wasn’t temporary. A purpose that would utilize the platform God’s given me. And a purpose that wasn’t just about myself. I’ve always loved celebrating birthdays because they represent another year of life and lessons God has graced us with. But one way Tim and I make our birthdays even more meaningful is by partnering with organizations to raise funds and awareness for causes that can truly impact the lives of others. My platform provided me the opportunity to pursue what I believe is my true calling – fighting for those who can’t fight for themselves. One way to do that is by standing up for victims of CSE and fighting to end human trafficking. CSE is a form of child sexual abuse where a person uses any combination of physical or emotional coercion to sexually abuse or exploit a child. Did you know that CSE is nearly 1000x more prevalent than child sex trafficking and 80% of children are put in that position by a family member? The Philippines is the #1 producer of child sexual exploitation material, whereas Western countries are the biggest consumer. It’s so heartbreaking and often hard to hear, but that’s why I’m stepping into this fight to help rescue these children and provide them with a safe home. This year, in partnership with the Tim Tebow Foundation, we’re fundraising to expand the Compassionate Hope – Tebow Village of Hope campus in the Philippines. This village serves as a place of refuge for victims of child sexual exploitation and trafficking. A couple months ago, I got the chance to visit the Tebow Village of Hope and it changed my life. Meeting these children, hearing their stories, and seeing the hope and joy they have now was amazing. Walking around the campus I was able to see the mango trees they pick from and I was also able to tour their proudly made, brightly colored beds. And while we can’t show you their faces throughout this campaign due to safety concerns, these children’s lives are truly transformed, and if we can rescue even one more it would all be worth it. Our goal is to raise $200,000 in hopes of building 4 safe homes, which will provide holistic healing to 80 children at a time. The expansion of the village will bring peace to these survivors and enable these kids to live out the childhood they deserve, where they can dream, play and grow. Join me in fighting for even one more child to be rescued out of these unthinkable situations and into a safe and loving home. Learn more about my 27th birthday campaign and how you can fight alongside me by clicking below! |
mY Birthday Fundraiser