My Story


In June 2017, I was the victim of a carjacking in Johannesburg, South Africa. I was headed to an event shortly after winning Miss South Africa when a group of armed robbers surrounded my vehicle. I surrendered and handed over all my personal belongings including my car. As soon as I tried to run away, one of the armed men grabbed me, pushed me back into the vehicle, and told me, “You’re going with us.” At that moment, I knew I had three options: do nothing, possibly get shot, or fight and save myself. Mentally, I knew I had only one choice and that was to try and fight my way out of it. 

Through various female empowerment workshops and safety driving courses that I had attended over the years, I remembered two valuable pieces of information. The first thing was to never go to the next destination, and the second thing was that the throat is accessible and lethal. I managed to escape that traumatic situation unharmed by punching my perpetrator in the throat. I soon realized that is not the outcome for so many women in South Africa and around the world. That is how #UNBREAKABLE was born. 

I decided to take action and partnered with field experts and hosted workshops all around my home country, South Africa, empowering thousands of women with practical skills and knowledge on how to handle dangerous situations. Through #Unbreakable, I helped women seek help and healing, and gave them the capability to do so by connecting them with safe and supportive communities through my social media platforms and strategic partners. 

My fight against human trafficking

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”

John 15:12

John 15:12 inspires me to love others the way God has called us to: selflessly. The day I was carjacked drastically broke my heart for women worldwide. I am so grateful that I managed to escape the hands of my perpetrators, but I realize that it is not the reality for so many women, children and even men worldwide. It is estimated that as many as 40 million people in the world today are being bought and sold as modern-day slaves. People are being captured, exploited, and abused daily in every country around the world.  

One of the greatest honors of my life is being able to fight alongside my husband against one of the biggest evils I believe we are facing today: Human Trafficking. I am currently a board member of Her Song, the Anti-Human Trafficking ministry of the Tim Tebow Foundation based in the United States, where I actively work to fight the evils of Human Trafficking.  

To learn more or join us in the fight against human trafficking, follow along with us here:

Stat Reference: American Bar Association, January 2019

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