I often say that one of my greatest purposes in life is to love God and to love others through all that I do. I had the honor of getting to (virtually) sit down with another woman who shares this same purpose: Francine Rivers, author of Redeeming Love....

Foundation matters
Foundation Matters, and I’m not talking about makeup, you guys. I’m talking about what you base your life on and around. My foundation is rooted in my faith and every decision I make is based on that foundation. But for anyone out there thinking “well, I can’t have a...
Knowledge is Power
“An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” Proverbs 18:15 Who doesn't want to make an impact or change the world for the better? Well, I'll fill you in on a little secret I've discovered: The first step in making a...
I say often that my purpose in this life is to love God and love others. Through this calling, I’ve discovered and experienced a huge need in our society, and all around the world, to help women not only see that they are extremely valuable and have a significant...