You guys, I have some exciting news to share! I recently mentioned that I’m launching several businesses soon, and now I can finally tell you about one of them! Tim and I launched a jewelry line called 153 Jewelry by Demi and Tim, and I can’t wait for you to see it and hear the WHY behind each piece! It’s so special to us because whatever we do, every business we’re a part of, for us, it’s more than just a business. It’s more than just a company. It’s more than just an endorsement, or a product. For us, it’s another outlet to share our faith with others, and another way to remind others and ourselves how much God loves each of us and how we’re called to a greater purpose every single day.
When we started this journey, we really wanted to choose a name with meaning and purpose for us. We chose the name 153 because each number is special. One, there was one cross, one Savior, the Savior of the world, and his name is Jesus. Five is the number of grace. It signifies God’s grace for us, and for all of humanity. And then, three stands for the Trinity, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Together, 153 portrays the Gospel of Jesus, which gives our lives purpose, value and meaning. Tim said it so well, “It is something that we believe in and something that transcends jewelry. We believe that what we’re trying to come up with transcends not just something you wear around your neck. It’s a tangible reminder of how much He loves each one of us; He demonstrated it on the cross.” The numbers are also special because one of our favorite verses is John 15:13 which says, “Greater love has no one than this; to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Which is so amazing because that’s what a gift of jewelry should often represent, how much someone means to you!
On top of the name having personal meaning for us, jewelry has always held a very special place in our relationship. Ever since we started dating, Tim has given me pieces of jewelry along the way that mean something special. For instance, the necklace Tim gave me on my birthday the year that my sister passed, it had her birthstone and her name engraved on it. It’s one of my favorite pieces of jewelry. That’s one of the reasons we wanted to start this line, to be able to give people the opportunity to give meaningful gifts to their loved ones too.
We hope it starts the conversation. Something that I also love about jewelry is that it’s an amazing conversation starter. I wear jewelry pieces so often that have sparked really great conversations. When I wear the 153 cross necklace out and about or getting my nails done and hear, “Oh, I love your necklace? What does it mean?“ It’s instantly an opportunity to share the gospel, to share my faith and I think that’s really cool. Also, getting to wear something like a cross around my neck is something that’s really liberating. I don’t need to be ashamed, we don’t need to be ashamed of our faith, of what we stand for, Who we believe in, because He is not ashamed of us. Remember, He knows us by name! So sometimes it’s just a little something tangible that sparks great conversation and hopefully lets you share some good news too!
We hope it reminds you of how loved and valuable you truly are.
Isaiah 43:1 says, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” One of the necklaces that we came up with is a customizable necklace that you can personalize to say your name or someone else’s name (any word that means something to you!) Whether it’s a name or a word that inspires you, we hope it reminds you and gives you perspective. I think it’s so special to write someone’s name because God created each of you, and knows you by name. He’s created you with great purpose and great love. We hope it’s a reminder that you were made in love for love, and you are so, so valuable, not only to the person who gave you the jewelry, but also to the Creator of the Universe!
Ultimately, we hope that through these pieces, you can deepen relationships, encourage friends or loved ones, or even just remind yourself that you are loved and valuable. We also hope these are fun, classic pieces of jewelry you can wear for years to come!